Resourceful Cities : lokale dynamiek, mondiale gevolgen.
De circulaire economie staat vandaag centraal in het Belgische en Europese overheidsbeleid. Het wordt gezien als een potentiële vector voor...
In Moeskroen staan de doelstellingen van duurzame ontwikkeling centraal in het beraad
Als Belgische partner in het URBACT pilootnetwerk van steden die de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDG's) willen "lokaliseren", maakt...
A Mouscron, les objectifs de développement durable au cœur des réflexions
Partenaire belge du réseau pilote URBACT de villes visant à « localiser » les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD), Mouscron s’inscrit dans une...
BioArchitecture & Sustainability Week 2021
The Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development (AESS) is a non-profit association for the sustainable energy development and was founded in 1999,...
BioCanteens#2: cities engaged for food democracy and sovereignty
3 primary schools’ canteens in the city and a thousand lunches par day 100% organic and mostly local with no cost increase! That the magic of the...
Food for thought in URBACT cities: the broad effects of eating local
How can improving local food kick-start the systemic transition of a city and its surrounding territory?
Mouans Sartoux Welcomes its Partners
The relevance of the Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) lies in the experience of the Project Partners who get to taste, visualize and believe in the mission...
SHORT FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS - Relocalising production to empower actors and make territories resilient
Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) renew the traditional format of direct sales in order to position themselves as an alternative to the long chains...
Creating space for people starts with talking to people
Guía de Isora is characterised by its polycentric structure of 17 villages with 3 main centres and an overall low population density with about 21,...
Municipiul Alba Iulia și-a început oficial acțiunea la scară mică!
Municipiul Alba Iulia și-a început oficial implementarea SSA într-un stil original în cadrul proiectului Food Corridors!