Prešov and urban commons: a few words with Peter Formela
Prešov's project manager Peter Formela introduces the involvement of the Slovakian city in the Civic eState Network and how they are working to...
Commons towards New Participatory Institutions: The Neapolitan Experience
Law scholar and activist Maria Francesca De Tullio describes the genesis of Urban Commons in Naples from 2012 on, with an in-depht examination of the...
Strengthening Naples' Urban Commons network
The Neapolitan experience of commons started approximately 8 years ago, but much can still be done to empower and broaden citizen participation. A...
El reto de reforzar las economías locales en la era de la globalización
iPLACE es una de las 23 URBACT Action Planning Networks que en junio pasaron a la primera Fase, y una de las 16 que cuenta con la participación de un...
Peter Wolkowinski, lead expert on URBAN REGENERATION MIX shines a light on Lodz in Poland. Its success story regenerating “The Priest's Mill"...
How do URBACT Good Practices strive towards more sustainability together with citizens and other stakeholders?
Striving towards sustainability together The occurrences and types of events and catastrophes related to climate change (environmental , biodiversity...
Bologna innovates to help its most fragile communities
Three of the cities selected in the first call of Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) are working, or have worked, within URBACT on topics similar to...
Scaling the commons: the experience of the European Commons Assembly
Few these days are not obsessed by reading the news. Profound and epic changes bearing political, economic and humanitarian crisis are unfolding in...