Managing conflicts for improving city spaces and mobility systems: lessons from the experience of Thriving Streets
Simone d’Antonio, Ad-hoc expert Thriving Streets A review of tools and techniques that European cities and the partners of Thriving Streets are using...
Car-free day in Debrecen – a successful small-scale action
By EDC Debrecen Team EDC Debrecen has joined the Thriving Streets project in the framework of the URBACT III programme. The project aims to promote...
De bevolking van Seraing mobiliseert voor de energietransitie
Sinds enkele jaren volgt Seraing de weg van de economische herontwikkeling die is uitgestippeld in een in 2005 opgesteld masterplan. Om deze...
Les Sérésiens mobilisés pour la transition énergétique
Seraing poursuit depuis plusieurs années une trajectoire de redéploiement économique dessinée par un Master Plan élaboré en 2005. La régie Communale...
Public Policies & Governance for Territorial Food Systems
The transition towards territorial food systems requires new public policies that consider innovative and effective formulas for participatory...
„Campania pentru mobilitate urbană durabilă” de vară din Bistrița
Acțiunea la scară mică desfășurată de Municipiul Bistrița se referă la o „Campanie pentru Mobilitate Urbană Durabilă”, care încearcă să încurajeze...
Bistrita's Summer 'Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign'
The Small-Scale Action carried out by the Municipality of Bistrita refers to a “Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign”, trying to encourage citizens to...
Looking for just societies through volunteering!
Cities that face currently emerging multidimensional social needs such as elderly and children care, social isolation and depression, unemployment...
Territoires en commun, la plateforme des coopérations et de l’engagement citoyen.
Pour aider les collectivités française à construire l’action publique locale avec et par les citoyens, l’Agence nationale de la cohésion des...
Creating space for people starts with talking to people
Guía de Isora is characterised by its polycentric structure of 17 villages with 3 main centres and an overall low population density with about 21,...