Successful first transnational conference!
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02 April 2015On May 21-23 the Diet for a Green Planet network arranged its first transnational conference. The meeting took place in Södertälje and the primary goal was to ensure a successful knowledge transfer when it comes to the concept of "Diet for a Green Planet". Here we will provide you with the main findings from the conference.

The conference gathered a whole range of stakeholders from Södertälje (the Lead Partner) and also 23 participants from the receiving cities of Mollet del Vallès, Lomza and Molétai.
Södertälje Municipality is the Lead partner and the so called “giving city”, and its Diet Unit has implemented the concept Diet for a Green Planet since 2010. The process started already in 2001 with a political decision, and in 2006 started the development of a new Diet Policy.
The criteria for Diet for a Green Planet are:
- Good and healthy food
- Organically grown
- Less meat, more vegetables and wholegrain
- Seasonal food
- Locally produced
- Reduced waste
The main purpose of the conference was to transfer the Diet for a Green Planet good practice to the receiving cities by deepening concept understanding in order to prepare for local adaptation. The program was elaborated to give a variety of experiences; theoretical, practical and social. In some parts there were parallel sessions, so that the participants could chose according to their interests and professional specialities.
The conference was successfully carried out and the evaluation survey to the participants has showed very positive answers. All say they have got a deeper understanding of the concept. The workshop Seasonal food pyramids gave the participants a method for how to choose ingredients according to local conditions while following the concept criteria. Part of the group also got the opportunity to in practice prepare a buffet according to this method. The entire group later had this buffet at a dinner which formed the peak of the conference.
All the meals formed part of the program and were served at different units managed the Diet Unit in Södertälje municipality. General presentations on Södertälje Municipality administration, Diet Unit organization, scientific background and concept criteria were deepened in study visits and conversations. Peer exchange between chefs, kitchen staff and Diet Unit managers have been started and will now continue in the coming bilateral meetings.
The goal to deepen the understanding of the concept seem to have succeeded, and the partner cities will now have better tools to produce their own Diet for a Green Planet handbook and start up their Policy work plan. These activities though need to be well supported by Lead Partner and Lead Expert.
Some words from the participants:
"The conference program was prepared very well; especially the parallel sessions were very useful and interesting.”"The Saltå Mill is a good example of a socially responsible company and its attitudes towards the community.”
"My staff liked the practical workshop very much, because they could work with other chiefs; they got to know new recipes."
"This exercise show how seasonal pyramid looks like in each country. I get to know a lot about seasonal food and their use in Spain and Lithuania."
"Generally the idea of eating in public canteen was great! I especially admire that in each canteen there is a buffet and the students can choose what they like."
"It gave lots of clues to my delegation! Since I returned I received many emails and phone calls with new and fresh ideas about how to implement it at home."
"The presentation of “Your 2000m2” I liked very much because it was both theoretical and practical."
"It was a very good idea that each country sang a song. It was very funny."
Download a full report from the conference:

Download the full conference program:

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