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Participation process in the second SUMP of the City of Burgos

Edited on

25 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Burgos is developing its second Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan after the first one, developed in 2005, has become obsolete. With a new vision on mobility for the next ten years, to include new tools as ITS or e-mobility, the City of Burgos has stressed public participation with stakeholder meetings but, as an innovation, implemented an e-participation process on-top.

Participation Event in Burgos

Along with the development of the URBACT project CityMobilNet, and according to the lessons learnt, Burgos has organized several meetings with different stakeholders in order to improve its second Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. Some of them have been organized along with a large number of stakeholders, to discuss general objectives, visions and problems and solutions of the mobility in the City of Burgos. Additionally, and in order to cover different aspects of the SUMP, specific meetings with certain agents have been organized in order to discuss problems and solutions of concrete topics: bicycle, accessibility, etc.
At the same time, 9.900 surveys have been completed in the City since the beginning of 2017, delivered in households but also “in the field”, to drivers, riders, pedestrians or bus users in order to get a better picture of the mobility nowadays. Taking into account that the city counts with 176,608 inhabitants, a high percentage of the total citizens have been engaged and thus the picture will be reliable.
But out of the usual process, the City of Burgos implemented in March 2017 a new e-tool to get more answers and opinions about the future SUMP. The website is (PMUS is the Spanish acronym for SUMP). Officially presented by the Mobility Councilor Jorge Berzosa, he declared that this activity implies to build “a better City” and this was the main reason he claimed for the participation to all citizens.
The website to date has received 22,131 visits; and 1,312 on-line surveys have been filled. The data obtained have been included in the so called Phase 1, analysis and diagnosis of the mobility in the City of Burgos. Other phases are:

  1. Proposals (in which the City is currently working),
  2. Approval of the Proposals,
  3. Implementation and Control.