News 09 October 2008 Health clusternet conference 2008 On 9 October 2008 , the Lead Partner and Lead Expert attended the 3rd Annual Conference of HealthClusterNet in Bilbao ( )...
News 08 October 2008 Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion : submit your contribution! The European Commission adopted the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion on October 6th, 2008, signalling the start of a major consultation with...
News 08 October 2008 Réunion n°2 des Pôles thématiques URBACT II dédiée aux Groupes de travail Le Secrétariat URBACT organise la seconde réunion des Pôles thématiques à Paris le 9 octobre 2008. Cette réunion est destinée aux Experts référents...
News 26 September 2008 URBACT Monitoring Committee : decisions for URBACT II Working Groups entering phase 2. r
News 26 September 2008 "European Commission presents its "health check on 321 European cities"." "Danuta Hübner, European Commissioner for regional policy, presented on September 23rd, 2008, the results of the urban audit "a health check on 321...
News 25 September 2008 URBACT II Thematic Pole Meeting N°2 dedicated to the Working Groups On October 9, 2008 in Paris the URBACT Secretariat will host the second Thematic Pole meeting dedicated to the Lead Experts and Lead Partners of...
News 24 September 2008 Claude Jacquier's paper 'Urban governance : forging a path between complications and complexity' In a paper presented for the symposium 'Towards New Territorial Governance' run by the European Parliament Urban Housing Intergroup on September,...