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Kick-Off Meeting

Edited on

26 January 2009
Read time: 1 minute
The official kick-off event of the FIN-URB-ACT network took place on 21st to 23rd of January 2009 in Aachen, Germany. The main topic of the kick-off was "Join forces in favour of SMEs - Partnership for fostering and financing local enterprises".

The kick-off meeting included a public part with high representatives from the EU, the national, regional and local level; a public forum was held and led into the discussion of financial and non-financial support services for SMEs. While the first part had a rather public character with the official launch procedure, the second part of the meeting had a strong working atmosphere, with broad panel discussions on common topics and first group activities during which the partners were divided to work on single topics in smaller groups. Furthermore during the second and third day there was a steering group meeting on financial aspects, organisational matters and procedures.

Panel disscusion on the main topic. Participants: Mr. Jean-Marie Beaupuy (European Parlament Brussels), Dr. Alexander Festl (DG Regio Brussels), Dr. Jens Barganz (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy NRW), Mr. Gordon McLaren (East Scotland European Partnership), Giuseppe Panebianco (City of Rome), Mr. Manfred Bausch (Regio Aachen e.V.), Ms. Fiona Joyce (European Saving Banks Group). Moderation: Dr. Lothar Blatt (German Saving and Deposit Banks Association).


PDF icon Download KIck_Off_Agenda_21._-23._January.pdf (101.63 KB)
PDF icon Download Teilnehmerlister_21._Januar.pdf (30.54 KB)
PDF icon Download FIN-URB-ACT__Begr%C3%BC%C3%9Fungsrede_OB_21.01.09_01.pdf (47.74 KB)
PDF icon Download Rede_Dr._Br%C3%A4utigam_21.01.09.pdf (74.95 KB)
PDF icon Download Eu_partnership_for_the_improvement_of_urban_SME_support_EURICUR_house_model.pdf (87.91 KB) - Thomas Fiedler, City of Aachen / Patrick Fourguette, URBACT Lead Expert
PDF icon Download FIN-URB-ACT_21.01.2009-Coskun.pdf (1.13 MB) - Havva Coskun, AGIT mbH
PDF icon Download Fin-Urb-ACT_21.01.09_Bayer.pdf (1.02 MB) - Michael Bayer, IHK Aachen
PDF icon Download FIN-URB-ACT_Wendland_2009_01_22_engl.pdf (3.63 MB) - Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Wendlands, IHK Aachen
PDF icon Download Protokoll_Fin-urb-act_v1_24.04.09.pdf (42.21 KB)of the Kick-Off Meeting