Integration of the Roma People: Roma-Net Project Videoclip
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09 October 2017Roma-Net is an URBACT project right in line with the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion set out to improve the integration of Roma populations. Roma-net is facing challenges - how to overcome negative attitudes, how to improve consultation and engagement with the Roma. Following its kick-off meeting which took place on 16-17 September 2010 in Heraklion, Roma-Net has produced a videoclip with some feedbacks and comments from the project partners and participants.

Today, the social exclusion faced by Roma populations has the same face throughout Europe. Their community accumulates all the factors linked to poverty, including youth, unemployment, low levels of schooling and professional qualifications, limited access to health services and difficult housing conditions.
In 2008, by vote of the European Council, the European Union committed to defining a joint European policy in favour of the Roma. Europe is depending on cities and their integrated actions plans to bring concrete action to support this objective.
Faced with such huge challenges, the first mission Roma-Net must undertake is to build up an international exchange network that will facilitate implementing this joint policy via good practices found in Local Action Plans.
Each Roma-Net partner city has three areas to work in for their operational implementation:
- providing access to basic services such as healthcare, social services and housing:
- promoting professional integration through educating children, to break the cycle in which lack of qualifications engenders unemployment and poverty;
- creating social cooperative by and for the Roma population.
You will discover in this videoclip project partners'expectations answering the question: if Roma-Net changes only one thing in your city what do you expect it would be?
envoyé par urbact. - Regardez les dernières vidéos d'actu.
Read more:
- Roma-net Kick-off Meeting video - URBACT Channel on Dailymotion
- Roma-Net - URBACT website
- Special report: Roma-Net - Returning Dignity to the Roma People - URBACT website
- Roma on the "European agenda" - URBACT Blog
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