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Fourth Transnational Thematic Workshop

Edited on

04 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

Support for business creation and development, self-employment, acquisition of Entrepreneurial skills and improving the business environment.

Thurrock and Enfield (UK), 17th, 18th and 19th of June

The 4th transnational workshop of the Jobtown project will be held in Thurrock and Enfield (UK) the 17th, 18th and 19th of June.

This fourth meeting will have a very rich agenda of activities, parallel workshops and study visits and  one hundred participants,  considering all Jobtown partner delegates, speakers and all local stakeholders.

PDF icon Download JobTown_Transnational_Workshop_4-_Enfield_thurrock_FINAL_PROGRAMME__June_2014__3_.pdf (962.17 KB)