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C-Change - An Introduction

Edited on

17 June 2020
Read time: 1 minute

C-Change will bring together cities to mobilise their arts and culture sectors to lead climate action by inspiring citizens to act, reducing carbon emissions and developing local policies. Lead by Manchester City Council and funded by URBACT.

The C-Change network includes 6 European cities with a combined population of 1.6 million people. Agueda, Gelsenkirche, Manchester, Mantova, Sibenik and Wroclaw all have art, culture and creativity at their heart and clearly recognises the arts and culture sector’s contribution to city life, wellbeing and prosperity.

All the cities are experiencing the impacts of climate change and have a combined greenhouse gas emissions of about 9 million tonnes CO2.

The network is committed to working together to build on and learn from Manchester’s experience with arts and culture sector collaboration on climate change and engagement.

Climate change is a systemic issue, rooted in global economic, social, cultural and value systems locking in unsustainable , inequality and a disconnection from nature. Policies, technology and investment alone will not be enough to adress climate change. 

We need hearts, minds and a shift in our cultural values. No sector is better placed to bridge the gap between what we feel and support such as a values shift than the arts and culture. This is particularly relevant when it comes to cities on the front line of climate change, and where arts and culture connect citizens to the cultures which define them.