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Biodiversity: A priority for Guimarães (PT)

Edited on

24 June 2019
Read time: 2 minutes

Promoting and Improving Biodiversity through the P2GREeN project

The Protection and Promotion of Biodiversity project involves the community, private companies, universities, schools, and all other partners, in the preservation of the environment. It aims at educating and explaining the need for protection and conservation of biodiversity and green zones.

The P2GREeN project was recognised as an URBACT Good Practice in June 2017 and presented at the URBACT City Festival 2017, in Tallinn.

The project is based on a strategic plan, that comprises two main stages, connected together. The first stage includes a phase of diagnosis/characterization of green areas and biodiversity, followed by the second stage of valorisation of the green areas of the municipality.

A participative Diagnosis of Biodiversity around Guimarães thanks to a Mobile app

The Diagnosis/Characterization Phase has three distinct actions, which share the goal of maximizing the knowledge of the area. Initially, it proposed the mapping of the presence of invasive alien species, through the “Invasive Alien Species Plan Control, as well as the indication of protocols for the eradication of those species. The reforestation of the identified areas is carried out through an environmental education and community involvement project called "Guimarães mais Floresta", which also promotes awareness of the importance of an autochthonous forest.

The diagnostic phase also includes the assessment of the biodiversity of the green areas of the Municipality. In this case, the community is involved in the creation of a Biodiversity Database through the BiodiversityGO! mobile application.

Biodiversity routes: a privileged tool to valorise biodiversity and improve the relationship between inhabitants and the surrounding nature.

The Phase of Valorisation of the green areas of Guimarães includes projects such as the creation of Biodiversity Routes, the Promotion of Nature Tourism and the creation of structures like the Ornithological Centre, which allows the observation of species, increases the ecological, tourist and cultural value of the green heritage of the Municipality of Guimarães.

Presently, the P2GREeN project continues to evolve. It helps create a closer relationship between the citizens of Guimarães and its Natural Heritage.

The creation of Biodiversity Routes, such as the Routes of Monte Latito Park and Penha Mountain, have enabled the community, especially the young and the elderly, to know more about biodiversity and to share their knowledge about species.

The appropriation of the project by the community

The “Invasive Alien Species Plan Control” project, together with the Environmental Education project – “Guimarães mais Floresta”, has allowed private partners and school groups to assist in the reforestation and control of invasive species in the green areas of Guimarães. The replacement of these species by native species of the Portuguese forest has allowed that each year 15,000 new autochthons plants are planted in the green and/or burned areas of the Municipality.

The creation of species observation centres has increased the number of the records made by the community in the Biodiversity Database of Guimarães. It provides assistance to build the inventory of all the biodiversity present in the Municipality.

In 2018, Guimarães was the only Portuguese city in competition in the City Nature Challenge, a worldwide challenge of species observation and identification, that gathered 68 cities worldwide. In this challenge, the city highlighted the use of the BiodiversityGO! mobile application, as well as the participation of various sectors of the community.

Thanks to these projects, Guimarães and its community better understand and preserve their green areas and biodiversity. It also build on the potential that the area offers to become a point of reference in tourism, not only in the cultural and historical aspects, but also natural.


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