24 October: ULSG meeting in Reggio Emilia
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06 February 2015Goes on usefully the profitable exchange between Enter.hub and Railhuc, the other European Project - co-financed by the Central Europe Programme - that focus on the role of railway hubs/multimodal interfaces of regional relevance in medium sized cities. This time, the ULSG meeting in Reggio Emilia, planned for the 24 October, will focus on the theme of Governance and Participation and will be the occasion to present the final results of the modelisation and traffic flows simulation for the Mediopadana hub.

This time, the ULSG meeting in Reggio Emilia, planned for the 24 October and focused on the theme of Governance and Participation, will also be the occasion for meeting the Emilia-Romagna region which, in the framework of the Central Europe project RAILHUC, will present the final results of the modelisation and traffic flows simulation for the Mediopadano hub, useful for making some hypothesis about the future mobility layout of the Mediopadana area.The 2 sessions of the meeting will point out the importance of networking different local authorities, different scales of investigation and intervention, different disciplines and different tools and approaches in order to answer, in the most efficient and sustainable way, to the current and future mobility demand.
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