Workshop in Zurich 29./30.9.2009
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09 October 2017Zurich participates the international thematic network " CityRegion.Net", that is partly co-financed by the URBACT-II programme of the European Union for cities in the EU, in Switzerland by the Swiss Federation (Bundesamt für Raumplanung ARE).
Together with the partner-cities Graz (Lead-Partner), Arezzo, Châlons-en-Champagne, Czestochowa, Kielce, Munich, Oradea and Trikala we discuss ways to strenghten cooperation between core cities and their hinterland.

The motto of the Zurich-workshop is "Regional Cooperation Strengthening Cities and Municipalities". How can we create win-win-situations for hinterland and core city? Our workshop-focus will be on the regional structures and the involvement of the stakeholders. The City of Zurich will present it’s study on " Cooperation between Core City and Hinterland" (provisional results) and two examples of best practice on regional cooperation. All partner-cities will discuss the common definition of a region and regional structures. How can possible strategies to raise the awareness be identified? We will try to highlight efficient methods on building up trust between partners within a cooperation and give first ideas about the Local Action Plans. With these discussions we will finalise this one of our two core themes and have an outlook on our second main topic during the next workshops, "Planning and Financial Tools".
Download 09_09_29_-_Agenda_Zurich_DEF.pdf (293.06 KB)
Download Meeting_Zurich_Attendance_List_29.-30.09.2009.pdf (1.48 MB)
Presentations Zürich (Zip-File)
Download Presentation WS Zurich 09-09 (415.6 KB) (Lead Expert)
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