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Webinar on the open call for Action Planning networks

Edited on

21 February 2019
Read time: 2 minutes
  • Interested in the call for networks? Join us for the programme webinars to get all your questions answered!

In the framework of the call for Action Planning networks, five webinars are foreseen in order to provide cities with all the necessary support, each one of them will focus in one specific topic.

Who should join the webinar?

Anyone interested in submitting a project for the Action Planning network call is welcome to join us! For the first two webinars we had, in total, over 200 participants interacting and learning more about how to enrich their application. 84 people have responded to our polls during both sessions, among those people you will find different profiles (as the graph shows):

*The graph is representative, as it only showcases the statiscs from the first webinar.

Which are the covered topics?

11 January, 11.00 CET - General presentation of the call
Click here to see the presentation used for this webinar. Alternatively, you can watch the video from a general presentation done for Eurocities partners. You are also welcome to see the reply from the URBACT Secretariat for the main questions that were raised during the webinar in a Facebook live video.
In addition, 45 people replied to the following questions:

7 February, 14.00 CET - Focus on: building the partnership 
Click here to see the presentation used for this webinar. Alternatively, you can watch the video recording from it. You can learn more about the Partner Search Tool by reading this article.
In addition, 39 people replied to the following questions:

The audience is either welcome to send their questions during the webinar, or beforehand by sending an e-mail in advance to But first, don't forget to check if the answer you are looking isn't already in our FAQ page.