USEAct Fourth meeting in Østfold County Council!!!
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09 October 2017The 27th and 28th of May the Østfold County Council will host the Partners of USEAct for the fourth meeting of the Implementation Phase of our Thematic Network

The Fourth USEAct thematic seminar will be hosted by Østfold County Council, the 27th 28th May 2014. As the previous one, the USEAct Østfold meeting is dedicated to the theme "Interventions to reuse urban areas: management, partnerships, funding”. In this occasion, however, specific attention will be paid to the following issues:
- How to improve public administration ability to control and manage "high quality" and "sustainable" reuse interventions?
Case studies and cross-learning activities will therefore deal mainly with approaches and tools that public administrations can adopt to define and reach "quality targets" in urban reuse. The "quality issue" is, in particular, a very sensitive matter for planning and development schemes aimed at urban "densification". The capability to "control" the outcomes, specifically when key roles are played by private bodies, and the ability to set-up appropriate procedures to achieve specific qualitative targets appear as an essential conditions for implementing effective urban growth management policies. The quality issue is also directly linked to the fundamental aspect of the engagement of citizens trough participation.
- How to promote local added value in reuse interventions?
This subtheme specifically dealt with the approaches public administration can adopt to encourage redevelopments able to attract business activity in the area.
During the meeting there will be also occasion to recall and analyze themes and different approaches with Partners and invited experts.
Download the USEAct Project Newsletter issue#4 :
Download the meeting Report:
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