Urbact Markets partners finalise Application Form in Torino ready for implementation stage
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14 February 2017Urbact Markets is readying itself for a new phase of development with more partners and a stronger commitment to help European cities develop through markets, with the implementation of cutting-edge best practise to help city regeneration, create employment and new business, and generate more sustainable low-carbon cities.

The Final Application Form is bold, ambitious and developed with the purpose of creating better practises around the use of city markets.
The Torino meeting held at the start of October in the city hall´s Piazza Palazzo di Città headquarters included partner representatives from the original Urbact Markets development phase group and new partners.
The Urbact Markets partners now consist of Barcelona (Spain), London (UK), Torino (Italy), Suceava (Romania), Dublin (Ireland), Pécs (Hungary), Toulouse (France),Wroclaw (Poland) and Attica (Greece).
The main discussion points during the Torino meeting included the project’s Final Application Form to be submitted at the end of October, with implementation set for February, the specific functions of project partners, local support group meeting obligations, and the communications plan for the implementation phase.
One of the conclusions from the Torino meeting was the tremendous enthusiasm that each partner had for the Project´s potential to bring about real urban development for their cities and the chance to provide benchmark markets policies for other European cities.
And despite the differences in size and infrastructures, all the partner cities had real markets projects that they wanted to implement in their cities based around the core project areas using markets as a vehicle for employment and entrepreneurship, Low carbon economies and local supply and town centre regeneration.
This second Urbact partner meeting was presided over by the Deputy Mayor for Trade and Economic Activities, Giuliana Tedesco.
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