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Transnational meeting in Stockholm: exchange and learning

Edited on

09 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

Following the baseline study produced during the development phase, each partner must identify, describe and assess good practices in the involvement of parents in the prevention of ESL in their territories. Each partner will then analyze how good practice(s) identified could be concretely transferred in their territories. During this phase, staff exchange between partners will be organized to allow a deep and concrete understanding of practices to be transferred and concrete transferability scenarios will be developed. 


Identification and assessment of good practices (Task coordinator: Stockholm)
The first phase of work package will focus on the assessment of good practices related to the involvement of parents in the prevention of ESL. The main activities of this working package will be the two transnational meetings organized on that theme with significant relevant experiences to be presented during study visits.

During the first meeting in Stockholm (21-22 March 2013), partners have presented their good practices identified. Good practices will be assessed based on Urbact format using speed-networking and SWOT analysis and during the second meeting in Gijon (6-7 June 2013), partners will exchange on the good practices assessed and give indication on which ones could be transferred in their cities. These two meetings will include a study visit and will be followed by a PSC meeting.