Third Transnational Thematic Workshop
Edited on
05 February 2015Rennes (France) - 19th and 20th February 2014
Analysis and forecasting of the local labour market

The meeting focused on the analysis and forecasting of local labour market trends, aiming at the improvement of youth policies.
The Rennes administration presented its own tools to foster youth employment, and its multi-stake-holder approach in the labour market analysis and skills forecasting. The multi-stake-holder approach sets up a network of regional level actors (companies, unions, elected representatives, employment services), cooperating for the innovation of employment policies.
The technical activities, chaired by Ian Goldring , the JobTown Lead Expert, other experts and ULSG members, dealt with three main points:
1) the forecasting tools to foresee the skills demanded on the local labour market in the years to come, devised and presented by Kieran Ferran, from the Oxford Economics;
2) a statistic model for the evaluation of the youths looking for a job;
3) the importance of involving local companies in the identification and forecasting of the skills required by the local labour market, in line with the multi-stake-holder approach.
The workshop ended with some study visits in bodies and entities tackling unemployment: employment agencies, networks supporting youth entrepreneurship and self-employment, social innovation companies and vocational trainings.
All the project partners and local stake-holders contributed to the positive outcome of the workshop, thanks to an active participation. Through the clues and suggestions stemmed from the best practices exchange, each of the partners will improve their own Local Action Plan, thanks to a better understanding of the local labour market trends.
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