The Implementation is a key moment in the Action-Planning cycle, when the actions foreseen to achieve a goal become reality. This stage is not about actions themselves but HOW to set them going, which can be tricky. Implementation presents several challenges tackled by the guide and tools listed below, along the following structure:
- Making sure a strategy is operational
- Understanding the local conditions for implementation
- Reviewing stakeholders engagement for the purpose of implementation
- Following up on the progress made in implementation
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Action Table
The Action Table tool aims at defining activities and outputs to achieve a given objective, it provides an overview of the action planning process.
Refining an action
The Refining an Action Table helps at developing concrete actions by planning them in details, thinking about activities, timescale, outputs resources and obstacles.
Four C's
The Four C's Review sheet helps assessing the Coherence, Completeness, Concerns and Continuation of an action plan, in order to make sure that it doesn’t omit any crucial information.
Coherence Checklist
The Coherence Checklist aims at assessing the coherence and solidity of a plan and making sure in covers all required elements.
Preparing for Implementation
The Guide on Preparing for Implementation aims at helping city practitioners to get ready for the delivery of action plans.
The iPESTLE method is a simple tool to help you understand your local conditions and your local stakeholders' and what challenges you may be facing.
Implementation Capabilities Grid
The Implementation Capabilities Grid is a tool to assess assets and weaknesses in relation to the implementation of an action plan, it will help getting ready and filling the gaps to proceed towards a successful implementation.
Integrated Approach to Implementation
The guide showcases how city practitioners can achieve implementation taking into account the physical, economic and social dimensions of urban development, from a sustainable perspective.
Participatory approach in Implementation
The Guide on Participatory Approach in Implementation outlines the steps and issues associated with stakeholder involvement, in order to assist practitioners.
Stakeholders Ecosystem Map
The Stakeholders Ecosystem Map tool aims at identifying and mapping stakeholders based on the sector they belong to and on their level of importance.
Stakeholders Power/Interest Matrix
The Stakeholders Power/Interest Matrix aims at identifying, mapping, as well as, prioritising stakeholders. Its scope is to think about the right approach to take with each of them.
Stakeholders Analysis Table
The Stakeholders Analysis Table aims at identifying the interests and motivations of stakeholders, as well as possible actions to address these various interests.
Monitoring involves project visits, detailed discussions with project sponsors to ensure that there are no unforeseen barriers (such as procurement, permits, finance) and dealing proactively with issues that arise in implementation.
Measuring Performance in Implementation
The Guide on Measuring Performance in Implementation outlines the steps and issues associated with setting up efficient monitoring sytems, in order to assist practitioners and ensure that the project contributes to the change intended.
Monitoring & Performance Table
The Monitoring & Performance Table is a support for reflection for the design of a sound monitoring system in order to follow up on the implementation of an action plan.
Self-Assessment tool for Integrated Action Plan
The Self-assessment Tool for Integrated Action Plans is a table developed for stakeholder groups to check their own progress with their plans.