Mouans Sartoux Welcomes its Partners
The relevance of the Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) lies in the experience of the Project Partners who get to taste, visualize and believe in the mission...
Newsletter nr. 6: The World Bee Day 2020 - #BeTheBee!
The celebration of the World Bee Day is addressing the biggest global problems - the role of bees and other pollinators to the existence of life on...
World Bee Day 2020 - #BeTheBee!
The celebration of the World Bee Day is addressing the biggest global problems - the role of bees and other pollinators to the existence of life on...
EU Green Week inspiration: 5 networks to watch
Ania Rok, URBACT programme expert, takes a close look at URBACT's 5 most environmentally friendly networks.
BeePathNet: enriching the urban jungle with bees
Klemen Strmšnik shares his enthusiasm for Ljubljana’s (SI) green endeavours and the on going success of the BeePathNet project linking 6 European...
Biodiversity: A priority for Guimarães (PT)
Promoting and Improving Biodiversity through the P2GREeN project
From nature lovers to nature activists
How cities are reclaiming nature for citizens (and vice versa) Last Saturday I fell asleep in the park, basking in the unexpected rays of sunshine. I...
23 March 2021
Network Event
La COP26, c'est déjà maintenant !
Rejoignez le mouvement des villes européennes engagées pour la démocratie et la souveraineté alimentaire Mardi 23 mars 2021, (9-11h30, CET) •...
10 - 12 May 2021
final project conference
BeePathNet - final conference
BeePathNet project final conference will consists of tree parts: international conference on urban beekeeping good practices visits partnership final...
25 - 26 November 2020
Virtual transnational meeting in the Amarante: new products
BeePathnet Transnational meeting on new products