Key takeaways for Thriving Streets and Cities
The cities of the network are happy to share with you some of our learnings during the long journey towards thriving cities. Cooperation is about...
Streets for all. An inspiring learning event on how to make cities’ public spaces more inclusive
How do women perceive the public space? How does their perception affect their relationship with the city? The current use of cities’ public spaces...
Thriving Streets in Southwark – igniting an integrated and accessible high street
By Kate Tiernan - project manager Thriving Streets, engagement expert and place maker, Southwark With high hopes for Lower Rd the Southwark project...
Managing conflicts for improving city spaces and mobility systems: lessons from the experience of Thriving Streets
Simone d’Antonio, Ad-hoc expert Thriving Streets A review of tools and techniques that European cities and the partners of Thriving Streets are using...
How do we move? Towards a new mobility behaviour in metropolitan areas
Mobility planning has a great influence in the physical and social structure of urban areas. In this article, RiConnect Lead Expert Roland Krebs...
The “Green Line” project for a “green” Bistrița city
Over the last 10 years, congestion in the city of Bistri ț a has continued to worsen with an increase in the number of cars on the roads and an...
Covid's Silver Lining: Carbon Saving
Adapting to life in a pandemic has not been easy in both our work and home life, with positives few and far between. As the C-change project works...
Las áreas metropolitanas europeas piensan el futuro de las infraestructuras de movilidad en Riconnect
Los días 26 y 27 de septiembre, se celebró en distintos municipios del área metropolitana de Barcelona el pistoletazo de salida a la URBACT Action...
Reducing congestion for a healthier, wealthier city.
The municipality of Slatina (RO) has been developing a long-term strategy to clear up the city’s roads and encourage public transport use. Thanks to...
How mobility becomes an integrated part of our city development
Right before the start of this year’s URBACT City Festival in Lisbon I found myself sitting at the waterfront at Praça do Comércio, enjoying the...