Focus on funding and implementation for EU cities - by Claudio Bordi
Ad-hoc expert Claudio Bordi explains the most suitable funds for RiConnect projects and how to orient the plans to get the funding, explaining the...
URBACT e-Universiteit van 1 tot en met 3 februari 2022
De e-University is een driedaags evenement ter versterking van de vaardigheden van de URBACT-partners die betrokken zijn bij de ontwikkeling en...
Why is Lisbon’s community economic development approach so important in Europe today?
Bairros (Neighbourhoods) and areas of priority interventions BIP/ZIP Lisbon has developed a participative model for working in deprived...
Want to become an expert in EU funds from your desk? Register for the Committee of the Regions MOOC!
The new free massive open online course (MOOC) of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) will go online on 15 January 2018. The CoR is launching...