Public Policies & Governance for Territorial Food Systems
The transition towards territorial food systems requires new public policies that consider innovative and effective formulas for participatory...
Goede praktijken voor duurzame schoolmaaltijden in Luik
In september 2021 is de stad Luik toegetreden tot het overdrachtsnetwerk URBACT BioCanteens #2, dat tot doel heeft de distributie van duurzame...
How PDOs and PGIs can level up Greece’s primary sector (the example of Larissa and Thessaly)
In recent years, in the era of globalization of markets, the labeling of agricultural products concerns an increasing range of products, producers...
Mouans Sartoux Welcomes its Partners
The relevance of the Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) lies in the experience of the Project Partners who get to taste, visualize and believe in the mission...
Municipiul Alba Iulia și-a început oficial acțiunea la scară mică!
Municipiul Alba Iulia și-a început oficial implementarea SSA într-un stil original în cadrul proiectului Food Corridors!
Alba Iulia Municipality officially started its Small Scale Action!
Alba Iulia Mun icipality officially began its SSA implementation in an original style within Food Corridors project!
A Million Food Stories , by CIM Região de Coimbra
Food and its entire cycle - from breeding, to cultivation, to production, to cooking, to the table - reflect the cultural experiences and food...
Las Jornadas “Del Huerto a la Ciudad” en A Coruña / La Crónica
Estas jornadas han sido un evento internacional donde Instituciones y ciudades españolas y europeas referentes por sus modelos de Alimentación Urbana...
Quality Brands and Sustainable Food Systems
In April 1957, the BBC broadcasted a short report showing a Swiss family harvesting their spaghetti crop from the family tree. Numerous viewers...
O conexiune rural-urban pentru a încorpora produsele alimentare în toate politicile
Creșterea exponențială a populației planetei și caracterul său predominant urban sunt caracteristici ale lumii noastre moderne. Cum vom alimenta...