SUITE Case Study - Pathways to Independence for young people in Newcastle
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09 October 2017Newcastle is partner in the SUITE URBACT project addressing the problems of how to deliver adequate and appropriate supplies of qualitative social/affordable housing in our cities. The city of Newcastle's Pathways to Independence initiative is a whole system approach aiming to support young people to move, to best meet their housing and support needs, while developing the individual's abilities to achieve the best possible level of successful independent living. Learn more on this initiative and read the URBACT case study " Download Newcastle_casestudy.pdf (402.02 KB)".

While much attention is currently directed to the societal impacts of ageing demographic patterns, the young are also in certain ways growing older younger. It might be expected therefore that in coming years many young people shall experience unprecedented levels of opportunity - but others will continue to face serious difficulties in the passage from school and teenager life to the "age of full responsibility". The Download URBACT Cities Facing the Crisis Impact and Responses (3.49 MB), for instance, shows that young people are disproportionately worst affected in terms of rising unemployment across Europe.
Within the objectives of an inclusive "Quality Sustainable Living" the City of Newcastle's Pathways initiative is designed to help and support young people, in difficult family relationships or in other challenging situations, to make the transition to independent living where necessary. This accompaniment objectively evaluates young clients options, guiding them to independent accommodation where appropriate and coaching them to ensure that they can maximise their chances of maintaining a durable security of housing (with all the social and financial skills this entails).
The project can already present an important positive effect, resulting from it's cross stakeholder cooperation model and "hands-on" approach.
Read more:
Download Newcastle_casestudy.pdf (402.02 KB) - PDF
- SUITE - URBACT website
- Quality Sustainable Living - Thematic Cluster - URBACT website
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