So, What’s Your Take on URBACT Knowledge?
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09 October 2017A month ago we launched an on-line survey to know more about our public’s use and opinion of the knowledge URBACT produces. We received more than 400 answers to our questions. Here are our main learning points.

With the upcoming end of URBACT II, a new era is expected with the URBACT III Programme 2014-2020. While new features are under negotiations, URBACT III intends to learn from current experience, success and challenges in order to improve its impact on local policies and practices, and respond to users' needs. For these reasons, URBACT recently launched a survey on the capitalisation and communications activities it has developed in the past years. Over 400 people from all over Europe expressed their thoughts and needs about the Programme, out of which 51,7% from local and regional authorities, and 49,5% from cities or organisations not involved in the URBACT community. The main findings of the survey demonstrate URBACT's capacity in promoting sustainable urban development not only to URBACT beneficiaries (cities and regions) but also to non URBACT cities and organisations around Europe.
URBACT and integrated urban development
Over the current period, URBACT II has been offering opportunities for exchange and learning through city networking, for capacity-building through Summer Universities and National Training seminars for local stakeholders, and more widely for disseminating knowledge through conferences and publications. Survey responses show that 85% of respondents have increased their knowledge on integrated urban development, developing local partnerships and working with different sectors thanks to these activities.
Usefulness of URBACT knowledge
If one wonders about the impact and use of publications produced by the Programme (see list below), the answer comes directly from the people concerned. More than half of survey respondents (52%) have read at least one URBACT publication and as a result, they have improved their knowledge on integrated urban development. It is also worth noting that all of them declare that they have actually used this knowledge in a way or another in their local context. URBACT would like to thank those who have participated in the survey and shared their impressions. Confident and encouraged by these findings, we will reinforce our communication and continue to deliver useful tools and knowledge on integrated and sustainable development for cities and regions across Europe.
Read more:
URBACT project results, 1st Download URBACT Project Results First Edition (18.49 MB)and 2nd
Download URBACT Project Results Second Edition (14.55 MB) edition
Cities of Tomorrow-Action Today, URBACT II Capitalisation, May 2013
URBACT Tribunes 2009, Download The Urbact Tribune 2010 (6.21 MB), 2011,
Download The Tribune 2012 (6.81 MB)
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