PREVENT: a multidisciplinary, holistic and democratic way
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20 March 2015While many education systems in Europe are yet to fully develop models of interprofessional working for early school leaving prevention, a range of examples from a number of European countries show this is both possible and necessary. Paul Downes, the thematic expert of PREVENT seeks to highlight key aspects for the establishment and expansion of such multidisciplinary teams.

A focus on the individual pupil and student’s learning needs a key dimension of early school leaving prevention for the EU2020 headline target on early school leaving prevention of 10% average across the EU. This focus on individual’s learning needs is to be undertaken in a holistic and systematic way. The classification, made by Paul Downes, offers a framework for teachers’, schools, parents and municipalities to examine aspects where the child or young person’s needs are or are not being met. This framework is also relevant at policy level to assess where there may be strategic gaps in interventions and supports across the system, especially with regard to those pupils and students at risk of high nonattendance at school and of early school leaving.
A major recommendation in the Prevent Policy Report is for promoting democratic systems of communication in schools. This recognises that municipalities are in an ideal position as a mediating space for dialogue between schools, parents and students. Such a dialogue, targeting schools especially in areas of high poverty, nonattendance and early school leaving, would include student surveys of their needs and school experiences, including open-ended questions and also focus groups of students and parents. Paul Downes recommends that municipalities develop a ‘Quality Mark for Democratic School Systems for Parents’ and Students’ Voices’ for participating schools, as an incentive to participate in this process. The recommended process of dialogue to promote democratic systems in schools is not an expensive commitment and is central to a strategic commitment to parental involvement in schools.

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