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PREVENT dissiminates in Brussels

Edited on

06 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

COFACE is an European Umbrella organisation with over 50 members in 21 EU Member States. Its activities include representing family organisations and mainstreaming family policy in all relevant policy fields at EU level. This extends to many different topics at the heart of the families' concerns: work life balance, cyberbullying, financial services, early school leaving...

COFACE organized the 9th of December 2013 in Brussels a meeting with experts of 10 countries and the presence of Annalisa Cannoni from European Commission (DG EAC) about "the involvement and participation of parents in school in preventing school leaving". The main common output was to define some concrete ways to reach parents.

Prevent was there ! Ulf Hägglund lead Expert (middle in the photo), Pat Kusse city of Antwerp (right in the photo) and Jean-Jacques Derrien lead partner city of Nantes took place in a panel discussion presenting our network, Kaap experience in Antwerp and some ideas about transferability.