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Report from bilateral meeting with Lomza

Edited on

02 April 2015
Read time: 1 minute

In October another bilateral meeting took place. This meeting was with Lomza, but it was held in Molétai, in connection with the bilateral meeting with Molétai. The aim of the meeting was to follow up on the concept transfer process and the Handbook work plan.

Summary of the process status and actions needed:

  • Coordination and cooperation functions well, the team of two coordinators is a positive factor. It is a pity that Agnieszka do not speak English, but we all do our best to communicate.
  • Local Support Group, LSG, was formed with 14 members in the beginning and six of them took part in the Södertälje conference in May. In the Mollet conference in September politicians and high civil servants participated, four of them new persons. The political level is well involved, although the coming elections in December create certain insecurity. No need for special actions for the moment.
  • The Diet for a Green Planet practice transfer seems to have been fairly successful. The nine kindergartens are all familiar with the concept, but schools have not shown much interest. The most difficult criteria is the idea of using less meat, and which kind of meat then is preferable. In the Handbook production attention must be put to this.  
  • The Handbook work is progressing. 39 Recipes have been sent to Sweden and evaluated. More will be sent and a draft for the content exists. A detailed content plan will be sent before end of October. Content plan, texts and recipes have to be followed up by lead expert.
  • No Diet Policy work is going on for the moment due to the campaign for the coming elections in December. Participation from politicians in the Mollet conference was good, and there started good discussions about policy issues. But before the elections the policy work will not progress, and for the moment there is no need for special actions.

Download the full report from the meeting (pdf) here:

PDF icon Download Diet for a Green Planet Bilateral Meeting Lomza Oct 2014 Interim Report (128.91 KB)
Helena Nordlund, Lead Expert