URBACT at the OPEN DAYS 2013
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23 February 2015The OPEN DAYS – European Week of Regions and Cities- is an annual four-day key event on EU Regional Policy organised by the European Institutions. It welcomes some 6 000 participants in October each year for more than 100 workshops and debates, exhibitions and networking opportunities in Brussels. Marking the new timeline towards the Europe 2020 strategy, the OPEN DAYS 2013 will be held under the slogan 'Europe's regions and cities taking off for 2020'. URBACT is actively involved in the event with workshops and a joint exhibition in cooperation with INTERACT, INTERREG IVC and ESPON. Come and visit us!

Exhibition "100 EUrban solutions"
OPEN DAYS organisers invited URBACT, INTERREG IVC, INTERACT and ESPON to contribute to the good practices exhibition on smart, sustainable and inclusive urban development.
The objective is to illustrate urban solutions based on case studies and transferable good practices. Selected projects, publications and information stands by the four programmes will be hosted on the 6th floor of the CoR building.
Learn more on URBACT at the URBACT stand. Discover our projects with the interactive Map. Participate in our Twitter Campaign"Tag Your Ideal City" and receive a cute badge as a testimony that you care for the future of our cities. Pick-up one of our Thematic Publication "Cities of Tomorrow Action Today". Don't miss the networking opportunities with experts and project partners. Visit us!
- When: 7-10 October 2013
7 Oct: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
8 Oct: 8 a.m. - 8.30 p.m.
9 Oct: 8 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.
10 Oct: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Venue: Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 101, Jacques Delors building, 6th floor
Networking Events
- Monday, 7 October, 17.15 - 19.30
Entrance with invitation card only. Contact us if you want to participate. - Tuesday, 8 October, 18.30-20.30
Entrance with invitation card only, available at the OPEN DAYS registration points – stock is limited - Tuesday, 8 October, 13.30 - 14.30. Mini Event -
Download URBACT_City_Competition.pdf (5.83 KB) with Ivan Tosics
Join our creative and funnyslide contest: challenge yourselves and your mates guessing about EU capitals, famous buildings, urban development ideas, contradictions of urban regeneration, urban transport novelties, social processes. The contest is lively and visual: we will project pictures and collect the answers.
WORKSHOP 10A01 - URBACT innovation brokers delivering Europe 2020: How cities generate change to meet complex urban challenges
Cities are key players in the delivery of Europe 2020 objectives. But how well equipped are they to lead the changes that will deliver smart, green and inclusive urban environments?
Building on lessons from URBACT, this workshop will share practical examples of how cities can generate change in the way they design, implement and monitor innovative urban solutions. We will show how cities can become "innovation brokers" generating new ideas, accessing specialist knowledge, strengthening evidence base, developing new partnerships and co-production processes, going for smart finance, etc. The workshop will challenge participants to dynamise their own urban change management strategies.
- Code: 10A01
- Date and time: 10 October 09:00-10:45
- Venue / room: Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors, Room JDE51, Brussels
- Organisers: URBACT II Programme
- Speakers and chair(s):
- Sally Kneeshaw URBACT Thematic Pole Manager
- Corinne Hermant-de Callataÿe, Senior Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
- Angels Chacón, Deputy Mayor for Economic Promotion, Municipality of Igualada, URBACT 4D Cities Lead Partner
- András Ekés, Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest, URBACT Mobility Workstream
- Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment, URBACT Sustainable Food Lead Partner
WORKSHOP 08C16 - More jobs, better cities and regions: how can cities and regions best create and support more and better jobs? Lessons from inter-regional cooperation
10% of Europe's population is unemployed. In some regions over half of young people are out of work. More jobs are needed (almost 18m) if EU2020 targets are to be met. This workshop will explore what cities and regions can do to create jobs. It will unpick the main challenges faced and showcase what works and what doesn't, based on evidence and practice from ESPON, INTERACT, INTERREG IVC and URBACT. After an introduction presenting the big picture and some common messages from the ETC programmes, project and programme representatives will discuss their experience of creating innovative solutions to these complex challenges.
- Code: 08C16
- Date and time: 8 October 14:30 - 17:00
- Venue: Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors, Room 62, Brussels
- Speakers and chair(s): Mr. Feliu Efren , Mr. Pels Bob , Mr. Adams Eddy (Chair), Ms. Partridge Alison , Mr. Grasselli Norbert
Contact person at URBACT: Kristine Sergejeva
0033 (0)1 49 17 45 81
Read more:
- OPEN Days - website
- Tag Your Ideal City - Twitter Campaign - URBACT website
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