Tag Your Ideal City #URBACTcity – Twitter Campaign Now Open
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09 October 2017"Tag your Ideal City" is the theme of the URBACT twitter campaign launched within the framework of the 2013 OPEN DAYS – European Week of Regions and Cities. Taking place from 7-10 October 2013, the OPEN Days will be this year particularly focused on urban issues, and the concept of the "city" will be central. Participate and contribute to our online campaign, describing in a tweet what your ideal city is. The campaign is open, start tweeting!

URBACT wants to enlarge the discussion on city issues, extending it into the virtual world and involving wider community through the social media. Particularly, Twitter will be the tool to understand how we imagine the ideal city.
How to participate?
We ask you to participate and contribute; describing in a tweet what is your ideal city. Use the hashtag #URBACTCity and share your ideas with the community: a brief description, keywords (with hashtags # before them, so that we can identify them), all the elements you feel like to include!
For example:
"#URBACTcity is #sustainable #clean #nocrime #manyjobs"
"#URBACTcity - #green #friendly #IT @URBACT #EUOpenDays"
You can also tweet a relevant picture, if you want to communicate visually instead of writing.
What is the objective?
We aim at collecting the most various and inspiring tweets, in order to generate a discussion, to analyse the concept of the city in its many forms.
Contemporary cities are dynamic and differentiated, although they certainly share some common features.
By connecting all opinions through the hashtag #URBACTCity, we will be able to collect and confront impressions and ideas, questioning and trying to interpret the complex dynamics of urban evolution.
City practitioners, simple citizens, students, professionals, youth and adults: everyone is invited to participate, since the more we extend and vary the community, the more interesting and variegated points of view we will obtain!
What will happen during the OPEN DAYS exhibition "100 EUrban Solutions" ?
During the Open Days in Brussels, we will continue to collect tweets through iPads at our exhibition stand within the exhibition "100 EUrban Solutions" organised by the Committee of Regions in their premises; moreover we will display them on screens, reuniting them in a tag-cloud which will create a compact conceptual visualization of all contributions.
Come and see our exhibition. For each tweet on the spot you will receive a cute badge as a testimony that you care for the future of our cities.
What will be the reward?
Among all received tweets participating in the campaign, one will be randomly selected and rewarded with a copy of the brilliant book "The City Reader", a collection of essays on urban issues and city definitions.
So, join the community, share your opinions, contribute to the discussion and be as inspiring and curious as possible!
Read more:
- Follow the conversation on Twitter - Twitter
- Follow EU Open Days on Twitter - Twitter
- URBACT at the OPEN DAYS 2013 - URBACT website
- URBACT Children Drawing Contest "Draw your ideal city" – And the winners are... – URBACT website
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