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Training Session on project management, PRESAGE-CTE and first level control

Edited on

22 July 2015
Read time: 1 minute

The URBACT Secretariat organizes on September 30 and October 1st in Paris a Training Session for the Finance Managers and first level controllers of URBACT II Projects' Lead Partners. The objective is to provide Finance Managers and first level Controllers with further information, guidance and practical training on administrative and financial management and first level control in the framework of a URBACT II project.

"The first day of the Training Session is dedicated to Finance Managers. Two workshops will take place during the day: one theoretical workshop will deal with administrative and financial project management and a second practical workshop will deal with PRESAGE-CTE. The second day is dedicated to the first level controllers. Two workshops will also take place during this second day : a first workshop will deal with the basic requirements and commitments relating to the first level of control and a second practical workshop will deal with PRESAGE-CTE.
Location :
"Espace de La Rochefoucauld"
 11, rue de La Rochefoucauld
75009 Paris

To confirm your attendance or for further information, please contact Carmen ZEQUES
Tel: 33(0)149174602 Read more:
