USEAct Fifth meeting in Riga! SAVE THE DATE!
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09 April 2015The 25th and 26th of September the Riga Planning Region has hosted the Partners of USEAct for the fifth meeting of the Implementation Phase of our Thematic Network.
The fifth USEAct thematic seminar was dedicated to the “occupied” residential buildings, seen as a potential resource to be optimized and adapted to the requirements of current demand, to reduce the need to build new residential settlements, with negative land-take consequences.
Download the report of the Fifth Themativ seminar held in Riga in September, on the theme of Refitting and regeneration of urban areas!

Existing buildings placed in historic areas of the cities (or in more recently built urban areas - e.g. developed during the fifties or sixties) – that, because of their age or bad physical conditions, are losing appeal, can potentially represent important resources from which to start regeneration urban processes.
Frequently, however,the physical conditions of the buildings are just a part of the problem: the physical and/or social qualities of the surrounding areas and public spaces in which the buildings are located are often not good enough to break the process of deterioration of the buildings themselves.
The Riga seminar aims to tackle this general issue by focusing on two specific focuses.
- The first is about how to develop"regeneration-oriented" public strategies through refitting and maintenance of existing buildings in the urban fabric, paying attention, at the same time, to the physical/social conditions of the neighbourhood.
- The second is on involving flat-owners in integrated refitting strategies, mainly through promoting energy efficiency or in overall “property management” improvements.
During the USEAct meeting, opportunities and challenges but also limits and difficulties related to interventions in "occupied" buildings were discussed, also trough cases studies from other cities.
Special attention was payed to the "engagement of the inhabitant issue", which is a very sensitive aspect. With reference to all the above mentioned topics, partners were invited, during the meeting, to provide information and comments about each local context and to actively support the other partners that are developing LAPs tied to the matter.
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