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Facing Youth Unemployment -What can the EU and the local-regional level do together?

Edited on

17 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

A conference organised by Emilia-Romagna Region in collaboration with Cesena Municipality and JOBTOWN Network

Emilia-Romagna Region in collaboration with Cesena Municipality and JOBTOWN Network, will organize the conference “Facing Youth Unemployment -What can the EU and the local-regional level do together?”
The event will address to regional and local representatives and stakeholders, European civil servants, think tanks and European network, with the aim of sheding a light on the causes of the structural youth unemployment and share local development strategies on this issue.
The seminar will be held on the 5th of October in Brussels and it will bring together political representatives from local and regional administration to learn about current and unfolding EU policies regarding youth employment and the initiatives, programmes, funds and support available. Key European Commission decision makers will also participate for an exchange of views and to support local and regional actors in their efforts to tackle youth unemployment and poor employment. Likewise, the seminar is an opportunity for the Commission to listen and learn from local and regional institutions, which are directly involved with the immediate realities and concerns of European citizens.

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