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Migration to Integration: An Opportunity Agenda For Cities

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute


Cities of Migration showcases innovative integration practices from global cities using a fresh storytelling approach and a compelling message: integration is a critical dimension of urban prosperity and growth. The first International Cities of Migration Conference will be held on October 3rd-4th in The Hague (Netherlands) to address the theme "Migration to Integration: An Opportunity Agenda for Cities." This dynamic two-day event will engage international city leaders, migration experts and local practitioners in a practical dialogue and exchange of ideas on this important agenda for the future of cities. 

Launched in December 2008, Cities of Migration was the first international initiative to connect global cities around shared issues of migration and immigrant integration. In September, Cities of Migration was recognized at a High Level Roundtable of the UN Alliance of Civilizations at UN HQ in New York on the "Inter-Ethnic City."

Cities of Migration is led by the Maytree Foundation in Canada, with partners in Germany (Bertelsmann Stiftung), the UK (Barrow Cadbury Trust), Spain (Fundación Bertelsmann) and New Zealand (Tindall Foundation).

The 2010 Cities of Migration Conference is convened in association with the Municipality of The Hague and the 15th International Metropolis.

Debates, plenaries, a market place of leading ideas and a town-hall promise to make the conference an exciting, inter-active and hands-on learning event that will inspire renewed urban leadership and new thinking on migration.

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