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URBACT Monitoring Committee: Decision on the Reprogramming of the URBACT II Programme

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The URBACT Monitoring Committee meeting took place under the chairmanship of Magdalena Skwarska, in Paris on June 27th 2011. Main point on the agenda: the reprogramming of the URBACT II Programme.

Based on the findings and recommendations of the Mid-term evaluation along with those from the surveys carried out by the URBACT Secretariat on URBACT Local Support Groups and on the PDF icon Download URBACT Project Results from the survey to Managing Authorities (996.38 KB), propositions were made to adapt the programme to the European 2020 Strategy, and to improve the local delivery of the exchange undertaken in URBACT II projects and those of the future Thematic Networks of the 3rd call for proposals to be launched in December 2011.
The URBACT Monitoring Committee approved the package of reprogramming proposals of the URBACT Managing Authority including the following measures:

1. Adapting the URBACT Programme to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy
2. Focusing future actions on Thematic Networks as opposed to Working Groups
3. Strengthening capacity for URBACT Local Support Groups at local level
4. Enhancing capacities of local elected representatives on integrated approaches to urban development
5. Redistributing resources between the programme operations
6. Updating the programme indicators

The inter-services consultation among the European Commission has now started. The reprogramming proposals should be approved or amended by the European Commission at the very end of the summer. The URBACT Secretariat will be then in position to prepare the 3rd call for proposals.

The French Managing Authority of the URBACT Programme also presented draft proposals towards an URBACT III Programme to be further discussed with the European Commission and the Member States.

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