HerO Final Conference in Regensburg
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09 October 2017The HerO Final Conference took place in the Lead Partner city on 13 and 14 April 2011. More than 80 participants from more than ten European countries came to Regensburg to discuss the project results.

The conference aimed to present and discuss the results of three years of inspiring and successful project work - both on project level and on local level in the partner cities. Further, it aimed to promote the network's final publications, the HerO Policy Recommendations Paper and the Guidebook on Management Plans, entitiled 'The Road to Success - Integrated Management of Historic Towns'. The conference took place in one of Regensburg's most remarkable buildings, the historic Salt Barn close to the river Danube and the famous Stone Bridge.
Download Final_Conference_Programme.pdf (1.17 MB)
Download Final_ConferenceParticipants_List.pdf (264.83 KB)
Download Heritage_as_Opportunity.pdf (66.9 KB)
Download Kulturerbe_als_Chance.pdf (76.46 KB)
The Old Town of Regensburg (Copyright: Nürnberg Luftbild, Hajo Dietz)
Group photograph of conference participants (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Gerhard Weber, Mayor of Regensburg, welcomed the international guests (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Brian Smith, Secretary General of Heritage Europe (former 'European Association of Historic Towns and Regions') moderated the panel discussions (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Dr Władysław Piskorz, Head of Unit Urban Development and Territorial Cohesion at the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional Policy, during his keynote speech on 'The future of Cohesion Policy and its urban dimension' (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Dr Christian Haslbeck from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology during the panel discussion 'What can Cohesion Policy do for historic cities' (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Jean-Loup Drubigny, Head of the URBACT Secretariat, introduced URBACT, the European programme for urban sustainable develoment, to the conference participants (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Regensburg's Lord Mayor Hans Schaidinger invited the conference participants to a reception in the Old Town Hall (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
The Fast Track network HerO - Benefits of the “two-way bridge”, panel discussion with representatives of the HerO cities and their associated Managing Authorities of the ERDF Operational Programmes (Copyright: Barbara Bühler, City of Regensburg)
Apart from the HerO Guidebook on Mangement Plans ('The Road to Success - Integrated Management of Historic Towns'), the HerO Policy Recommendation Paper has been published and presented at the network's Final Conference in Regensburg. Both documents are available for download in the section 'Our Outputs')
In a ceremony, political representatives of all HerO partner cities signed the following declaration:
"Herewith we declare our support of the HerO Pollicy Recommendations Paper published in April 2011. We commend the new HerO management approach to all Europe's Mayors of historic towns and encourage them to use cultural heritage as an opportunity and build on the lessons learned from the HerO project."
The declaration has been signed by (from left to right): Hans Schaidinger (Lord Mayor of Regensburg), Gaetano Mollura (City of Naples), Arturas Blotnys (Director of the Urban Development Department, City of Vilnius), Malcolm Kennedy (Councillor for Regeneration at Liverpool City Council), Jean-Marie Compte (Deputy Mayor of Poitiers), Sorin Virgil Savu (Vice Mayor of Sighisoara), Gerhard Ablasser (City of Graz) and Ewa Kipta (City of Lublin) (Copyright photograph: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg).
Hans Schaidinger, Lord Mayor of Regensburg (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Gaetano Mollura, City of Naples (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Arturas Blotnys, Director of the Urban Development Department, City of Vilnius (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Malcolm Kennedy, Councillor for Regeneration at Liverpool City Council (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Jean-Marie Compte, Deputy Mayor of Poitiers (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Sorin Virgil Savu, Vice Mayor of Sighisoara (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Gerhard Ablasser, City of Graz (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
Ewa Kipta, City of Lublin (Copyright: Peter Ferstl, City of Regensburg)
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