URBACT's support for Ukraine
Edited on
28 June 2022The United for Ukraine initiative was present at the URBACT City Festival 2022!

The United for Ukraine initiative aims to stimulate partnerships between municipalities in Ukraine and in other European countries for short and long term revitalization of institutional, societal, entrepreneurial and physical structures.
The United for Ukraine campaign initiated by SKL International in partnership with Lviv City Institute and Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities is meant to support the recovery of the Ukrainian communities through peer-to-peer community partnership.
The initiative stimulates partnerships between municipalities in Ukraine and in other European countries for short and long term revitalization of institutional, societal, entrepreneurial and physical structures.
Partnerships are supported through creating and upholding networks, spreading good examples, methods and knowledge. The campaign focuses on those Ukrainian communities who are the most affected by Russian aggression.
European communities are invited to join if they:
- are devoted to developing long term partnership with Ukrainian communities;
- strive to engage not only the municipal organization but the whole local community; civil society, companies, faith-based organization into partnership;
- are ready to work actively to get access to funds and programmes that could be useful for the revitalization and reconstruction.
Visit UnitedforUkraine platform to get a Ukrainian partner https://unitedforua.org/
or contact the back office of the initiative for support - info@unitedforua.org
Submitted by Karl Murphy on