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Integration Assessment Grid

The INTEGRATION ASSESSMENT GRID aims at examining whether a city covers all types of integration and at assessing the extent of potential progress.

Who is the tool for?

When should the tool be used?

City practitioner and their stakeholders willing to assess the level of integration of a plan or policy and to check how to improve this aspect.

This tool can be used throughout the project life cycle, at different stages of the action-planning process. It is recommended that the user adapt it to one'se specific need.

It can also be used for self-assessment and for peer-reviewing.


How to use it online?

The Integration assessment grid could be uploaded in a Google sheet or in an online whiteboard tool (such as Miro, Mural...) in order to have an online collaborative exercise for the stakeholder group to self-assess a draft of the action plan.




pdf / 374 KB

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