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What do you know on children and seniors? A mobility survey from Agii Anargyri & Kamatero

Edited on

01 February 2018
Read time: 1 minute

The Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero, in the context of its sustainable urban development strategic plan has a bold and long-lasting objective to improve its citizens' living conditions. To this extent and focusing on the mobility aspects, it recently conducted a survey on the citizens’ mobility patterns.

The survey was scientifically supported by the Transportation Systems Laboratory of the University of Piraeus and was jointly executed by the CITYMOBILNET AGANK team and the supporting external consultants. The survey questionnaire was designed according to modern European standards and particularly modified to the needs and particularities of the Municipality. CITYMOBILNET’s experience in this domain was sought after and the partner cities provided a lot of insights as well as issues to consider as well as to avoid. Its overall purpose was to capture the citizens’ trip profile in addition to behavioral aspects. The questionnaire consisted of three major categories: general household characteristics, mobility behaviors and mobility problems faced at the municipality. The team focused particularly in schools (pupils) and senior centers (senior citizens), since these are the most vulnerable groups but at the same time the main target of the Mayor’s strategic focus. Some initial insight include missing PT links, areas with problematic safety and security issues, economic aspects etc.

Based on the analyzed results, the Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero will be able to develop sensible decisions about making urban mobility more effective, efficient and sustainable.

See the survey in Greek here:


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