European Youth Capital 2021: Applications are open!
The ‘European Youth Capital’ (EYC) is a title awarded to a European city for the period of one year, during which it is given the chance to showcase...
From participative to personal budgets: the power of responsibility sharing
We can improve public services for local communities and individuals by giving them more control rather than imposing top down governmental...
Building an effective entrepreneurship eco-system
How can cities create effective programmes for promoting enterprise and entrepreneurship? How should cities respond to some of the structural changes...
Conclusions and presentations of URBACT workshops during the European Week for Regions and Cities
This year the Committee of the Regions and the DG Regional and Urban Policy organised the 15th European Week for Regions and Cities in Brussels from...
Cities and digitalisation: “Adapt or die”
How can cities benefit from digitalisation? With dramatic headlines about jobs being destroyed by digitalisation, and many policy makers resisting...
The co-working revolution
What can cities do to create open workspaces where entrepreneurs can connect and grow jobs? An explosion of new workspace
The urban dimension of smart specialisation: building a two-way bridge
Smart specialisation and its related methodology known as Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) have been assessed as “the...
How community-based social activism can develop, retain and attract young creative-tech talent in Europe’s cities
GEN-Y City is an URBACT III Network exploring how European cities can develop, retain and attract the young creative-tech talent they need to thrive...
Implementation Networks’ pages now online!
You can find more information about their project, the state of play and challenges ahead thanks to articles written by each Lead Expert.
CREATIVE SPIRITS’ partners meet in Waterford
The Second Transnational Meeting took place in the partner city of Waterford on the 23 rd and 24 th of February 2017.