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More than 40 "Prevent'ers" have participated to one of the two national training sessions during spring and autumn 2013

Edited on

06 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

This national training session in Paris (4-5 Dec 2013) was a great occasion to share concrete experiences with other local support group members dealing with quite different topics but also to improve our use of support proup toolkit and  finally get ideas about the format and spirit of local action plans.

During the session participants discussed about the best way of co-producing the local action plans which must be specific making difference and taking into account the local environment to find relevant ideas but also including what we learn from our network.

We now have to bear fruit of what we did in 2013 to developp all along the way in 2014 a developping process with a pragmatic attitude being not too ambitious but not too vague either.