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Kick-off Meeting 2013 - Paços de Ferreira

Edited on

10 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute


The Lead Partner organized a 3 days event for the Wood FootPrint consortium.

The Lead Partner organized a 3 days event for the Wood FootPrint consortium with the following objectives:
- Kick-off the second stage initiatives that will be implemented from 1st February 2013 to 30th April 2015;
-  Discuss and plan administrative and financial procedures to be implemented during the mentioned period;
-  Improve the partnership understanding about the Urbact programme, rules and expected results;
- Detail and plan the forthcoming activities in line with the workplan defined in the Final Application;
-  Define a schedule for the transnational meetings;
-  Discuss and tuning the thematic groups approach;
-  Promote interaction and better understanding between the partnership;
-  Visit the city of Paços de Ferreira;

Day 1 and 3 were planned for bilateral meetings between Lead Partner, Lead Expert and the partners taking advantage of the arrival and departure time of each partner.
Only one city (Rosealare) did not participate in the kick-off meeting due to unexpected personal reasons of Rosealare project manager. Nevertheless, all the information used and produced during the meeting was sent to the partner and a Skype meeting was organized with the Lead Partner.
Day 2 was fully dedicated to networking activities within the partnership and to the workplan discussion. The Lead Expert structure a presentation that for each workpackage presented the duration, main objectives, tasks to be implemented, list of deliverables and deliver date. During the discussion all the partners had the opportunity to clarify the work foreseen for each work package.