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JobTown holds a successful and well-attended Transnational Workshop

Edited on

06 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

– Kaiserslautern, 16th and 17th October 2013 –
‘Making Education and Training more Responsive to the Labour Market’

Kaiserslautern’s Mayor, Dr. Susanne Wimmer-Leonhardt, kicked off the event. Various elected politicians and European Structural Funds managing authorities from the JobTown localities attended the workshop and participated in its activities.
Kaiserslautern’s ULSG Coordinator, Michael Lill, chaired the conference sessions.
Contents covered local circumstances for young people in the labour market and a range of German, regional and local practices to labour market inclusion for the young.
The OECD-LEED programme is contributing to all JobTown’s Workshops, and was represented by Lucy Pyne, who presented the LEED programme’s recommendations for supporting youth employment and a selection of international Best Practice Case Studies.
Simon Harper, Training and Development Manager for the Port of Tilbury (UK) presented an employer’s perspective on job skills and training – and how best to deliver effective training for a win-win scenario: sustainable quality employment opportunities, and a competitive business environment built on a solid skills base.
Germany’s Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) gave an in depth presentation on how Germany’s Dual System of vocational education works. The BIBB also explained its views on how the Dual System can be exported to other countries and of the international support their organisation offers to those wishing to adopt such a system.
A number of JobTown partners are interested in taking the BIBB up on its offer for support, and preparations are currently underway – more news to come!
The second day included a site visit to a local Vocational school to see the Dual System apprenticeship model in practice. Participants, particularly those involved with training and education delivery in their own localities, attested to getting a lot out of what they saw and learnt, which they could usefully take back home.
Local representatives of the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts – who it seems enjoy a well developed sense of humour – shared with us this excellent video, promoting awareness of the value and importance of the Trades and Vocational Education.

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