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#InfodayES 2019: Creating networks for the URBACT APN call

Edited on

22 January 2019
Read time: 2 minutes

On 22-23 January, the Spanish National URBACT Point (NUP) will organise their National Infoday in Madrid. This event will be focused on the new URBACT Action Planning Network (APN) call that will be launched on 7 January. All European cities interested in participating in this call are invited to join us: the event will have really practical purposes, focusing on building partnerships and designing proposals. Registration is already open!  



On 22-23 January, the Spanish National URBACT Point (NUP) will organise their National Infoday in Madrid. This event will be focused on the new URBACT Action Planning Network (APN) call that will be launched on 7 January. You can register for the event here.

The #InfodayES will focus on two main objectives:

  • Explaining all the details of the APN Call and the benefits of being part of the URBACT programme and networks;
  • Providing cities the space and opportunity to network and to start working together on proposals.

The Infoday will have very practical purposes, and will be the perfect opportunity for cities in Europe to have a kick-off session to establish partnerships and generate together a first idea or proposal for the call.

Therefore, this is an open invitation to all the cities of Europe that are interested in applying to the APN call. All the National URBACT Points will also be more than welcomed: they can provide crucial help in dynamizing the networking sessions and facilitating the creation of partnerships on the day.


Dowloand the programme of the #InfodayES 2019 here:



All the sessions will be in English

The plenary sessions will be provided with Spanish-English / English-Spanish simultaneous translation (tbc)

Preparatory work: fill in the ‘APN Form’

Since we want the #InfodayES to be really practical and beneficial for cities, some preparatory work should be done. For that purpose, we launched a simple questionnaire to ask cities which topics they would be interested in for the next call according to the ten Thematic Objectives (TO) covered by the URBACT III programme.

We ask all interested cities to complete this form in order to enable us to identify links and matches between cities. This preparatory work will allow us to facilitate the organisation of working meetings between cities with similar interests during the #InfodayES and we will share the findings with NUPs and cities in anticipation of the event.

If you are a city that does not yet have clear priorities or any specific proposal, do not worry: we will have a session for the open exchange of ideas during the #InfodayES. In this way, you can share thoughts and be inspired by other cities before joining the networking & proposal-designing sessions (see contents & draft agenda below).

The 'APN Form' is available:



Main contents and outputs

The aim of the #InfodayES is to provide cities with space and time for effective networking and proposal design. In consequence, it will be structured through the following main elements:

  • Understanding: Discover all the details of the new APN call and broaden knowledge of the URBACT programme and its benefits for cities
  • Networking: Meet cities and make new contacts to establish potential partnerships for the next call
  • Sharing: Exchange ideas, interests and experiences with other cities
  • Designing: Kick-off working sessions with other European cities to develop partnerships and proposals for the APN call

Expected Outputs

  • Obtain better understanding about the APN Call and URBACT programme &networks
  • Expand the network of contacts, meet new cities
  • Create potential alliances and partnerships for the new call
  • Generate initial proposals for the call




Dowloand the programme of the #InfodayES 2019 here:


January 22


  • WHERE? CentroCentro Madrid ( Plaza Cibeles, 1):
  • WHEN? January 22, from 18.00 to 21.00


  • 18.00-18.15: Welcoming
    • Jon Aguirre, Spanish National URBACT Point
    • Borja Prieto, Citizen Participation Department of Madrid City Council
  • 18.15-18.30: Medialab-Prado and Experimenta Distrito
    • Marcos García, Director of Medialab-Prado
  • 18.3019.30: CONSUL and Madrid’s Citizen Observatory
    • Borja Prieto, Citizen Participation Department of Madrid City Council
    • Jose María Becerra, Citizen Participation Department of Madrid City Council
  • 19.30-21.00 Icebreaking Cocktail

All the interventions will be in english


January 23


  • WHERE? Medialab-Pardo in Madrid (Plaza de las Letras, 28014 Madrid):
  • WHEN? January 23rd, from 10.00 to 17.00


  • 10.00-10.15 Welcoming
  • 10.15-11.00 URBACT Action Planning Networks call + Q&A
    • Jon Aguirre, Spanish National URBACT Point
  • 11.00-11.30 URBACT inspiring stories
    • CityCentreDoctor: David Muriel, Medina del Campo City Council
    • BoostInno: Cinta Arasa, Barcelona Activa
  • 11.30-11.45 Coffee break
  • 11.45-13.00 Idea Market, with the National URBACT Points
    • On-Site: Jon Aguirre (NUP for Spain) Sabrina Abdi (NUP for France) and Aldo Vargas (NUP for Polland)
    • On-line: Petra Ockerl, (NUP for Slovenia), Heike Mages (NUP for Germany & Austria) Ana Resende (NUP for Protugal)
  • 13.00-14-00 Finger lunch
  • 14.00-16.30 Workshops & Webinars
  • 16.30-17.00 Final conclusions and closing
    • Jon Aguirre, Spanish National URBACT Point

The sessions will be in Spanish and English. The plenary sessions will be provided with Spanish-English / English-Spanish simultaneous translation



All the cities are welcomed to the #InfodayES. Registration is open until January 21

You can register through the following link: