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Final meeting of the first phase in Sofia 9-10 october

Edited on

17 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

All the partners of the PREVENT project met them together in Sofia for the final meeting of the first phase (9-10 October 2012). It was the opportunity to organize our work before delivering the final application form of the development phase with all the partners (the first and the new).
We had to discuss about how to do the best for sharing our information, how to organize the tasks in our workpackages in order to facilitate the involvement of all the cities. 

Regarding these workpackages, we organized also the agenda of the transnational meetings: two about identification and assessment of good practices, one about transferability of good practices, two about Policy recommendations, one as a LAP finalizing workshop and of course our Final project meeting.
We also have spent a very special time about  the ULSG. The five first partners could present to the others how they have composed, set up and begun to manage their group.
That for Antwerp did a very pedagogical and useful presentation


But the content is for sure the most important part of our network’s job.  And this final meeting was the time for a presentation of the baseline study of what we call the “PREVENT-OLOGY”.

The basic aspects of comprehensive strategies in ESL are clearly the 3 levels of intervention:
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Compensation

The lessons learnt from previous ESL work are that:
- there is no model for preventing drop out
- education systems needs to allow freedom for schools, teachers, parents and students, to initiate and implement change
- school is only one part of the life of young people

ESL is a complex but also a very concrete phenomenon and promoting cooperation between the different actors at city and regional levels a building chain of performance.

Parents involvement:
- parental involvement has to be included in the educational project and the everyday work of schools because research shows that parents being involved in the education and teaching of their children, at home and in school, can increase the school achievements with 30%.
- parental involvement affects positively the psycho-social functioning of pupils

But it’s not necessary naturally and easy to involve parents and it doesn’t promote co-operation. That’s why we need a kind of Ecology of Prevention with parental involvement …