Fifth Transnational Thematic Workshop
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12 February 2015All Jobtown partners met for the Fifth Transnational Thematic Workshop on the 1st and 2nd October 2014 in Aveiro (Portugal).

This workshop has been focused on Social Innovation and Enterprise in the present socio-economic environment. All partners discussed on the theme and shared common problems.
The first day the Jobtown lead expert, Ian Goldring, introduced the two days of workshop explaining how this workshop theme fits into the project. The workshop started then with the relations offered by experts on the subject, which constituted the base for further discussions among participants.
Doct. Emma Clarence of NESTA, a London-based no-profit organization, introduced the core-issue of the meeting, underlining key concepts, trends and guidelines. Doct. Joris Van derVoet, researcher at ESADE (Barcelona), developed his contribution on organizational strategies to deal with budget cut-offs in public administrations.
An exchange and peer review of Local Action Plans Development have been done in the second day of the meeting, during which each partner received valuable feedback from their peers.
On the 3rd October the Aveiro Municiplity organized a public conference to present the strategic guidelines and policies carried on by the portoguese administration in order to sustain the local economic development. The conference was also finalized to show a comparison with the european administrations taking part in the Jobtown project.
Within the two-days workshop, the counsillor Tommaso Dionigi illustrated the main strategic guidelines of the Cesena Municipality in the field of job policies and of support to entrepreneurship. A particular focus was dedicated to CesenaLab and to the measures – still waiting for approval - relative to a no-tax area and to start-up contributions.
Submitted by Simina Lazar on