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Facing Youth Unemployment

Edited on

17 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

A conference held in Brussels October 5th.
Now available a video of the Policy Panel discussion.

Conference “Facing Youth Unemployment -What can the EU and the local-regional level do together?” addressed to regional and local representatives and stakeholders, European civil servants, think tanks and European network, with the aim of sheding a light on the causes of the structural youth unemployment and share local development strategies on this issue.

The conference was organized by Emilia-Romagna Region in collaboration with Cesena Municipality and JOBTOWN Network

Here you can see the Keynote speech by Nicola De Michelis, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Cabinet Commissioner for Regional Policies J. Hahn.

You can also see a video of the Policy Panel discussion.

Participants appearing in the panel discussion video are: Marko Curavic, Head of Unit, Entrepreneurship, DG ENTER; Felix Rohn, Vocational training, Leonardo da Vinci, DG EAC; Ian Goldring, director of ProjectWorks, Lead Expert for JobTown and Moderator; Giorgio Guazzugli-Marini, Programme Manager - EU policies - Youth in Action , DG EAC; Robert Strauss Head of Unit , Employment analysis, DG EMPL

A picture of the conference

A  moment of the conference