European Capital of Innovation Award 2018: ICapital
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24 June 2019Has your city made a strong commitment to innovation? Interested in being recognized as the best innovative city in Europe in 2018? Apply by 21 June 2018.

The European Capital of Innovation (iCapital) is an annual cash prize awarded to the European city that is best able to demonstrate its ability to harness innovation to improve the lives of its citizens.
In particular cities that:
- contribute to open and dynamic innovation ecosystems
- involve citizens in governance and decision-making
- use innovation to improve the resiliency and sustainability of their cities
2018 Capital of Innovation will be rewarded with €1 million to the city named European Innovation Capital of the year and €100,000 will be given to each of the five runner-up cities.
Apply by 21 June.
All information on the award and on how to apply are available on the European Commission Website.
Submitted by URBACT on