The Climate Kid - A Superhero we all need!
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25 March 2021The Climate kid works with schoolchildren on a sustainable living environment
The City of Vilvoorde launched the Climate kid on 20 February 2018. Its mission is to make it clear to children of the 3rd grade of the primary school what climate change means and how they can contribute to a climate neutral Vilvoorde. The Climate kid visited 15 classes in different schools and his tour ended with a closing event at which the pupils presented their plans for a climate-active Vilvoorde.

Visit from the future
The Climate kid comes from the year 2050, the year when Vilvoorde will be completely climate-neutral. His aim is to get the current generation to work together on a sustainable city. He looks very futuristic: on his jacket are small solar panels that store solar energy, he wears environmentally friendly clothing and with his VR glasses he can scan products and check how sustainable they are. The Climate kid knows better than anyone what the pupils can do for their environment. He also puts them to work, because at the end of the workshop, the pupils receive an assignment. They have to make their own action plan to make their school more energy efficient and climate resilient. They then have to present this action plan at the closing event. In this way, they can generate their own ideas at a young age and start the thinking process on how to make their own future.
Raising awareness
Not only are the children learning about climate change by working with the climate kid at school, also the parents are involved when the children have to test some tips and tricks the Climate kid gave them as homework. In that way different climate actions are combined: the educational Climate kid in the schools but also the renovation-aid projects like the mobile energy house with our renovation coach and energy monitoring tools like EnergyID that can help the parents at home.
The Climate kid is part of the communication campaign “Our Vilvoorde Climateactive” in cooperation with communication partner Connect and educational partner Goodplanet. The campaign not only increases climate awareness, but also tries to actively engage everyone in helping to start up climate actions themselves.
Submitted by Laura McIntosh on