Cities highlight value of markets for social interaction
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06 February 2015Toulouse played host to an URBACT Markets meeting earlier this fall and one of the most interesting results was a common SWOT analysis just published on the URBACT Markets mini-site in the documents tab.

One of the key findings was that members believe markets have a highly significant role in social interaction in their cities, in other words they see their markets as central to community life, a place where citizens come together to create social capital.
Some of the other strengths common to all the members was the variety of products and local produce sold and the fact that markets help the development of the areas around them.
Weaknesses included the fact that customers segments were mainly elderly people and that in general there was a resistance to change to new demands, like more flexible opening times. Another was a lack of group strategy by markets, like loyalty programmes.
Members identified a range of markets opportunities, especially in and around the areas of sustainability, revitalization strategies and other issues related to job creation.
Importantly, threats like getting the balance right between tourism and local citizens needs and the need to communicate more fluidly with customers and other stakeholders, especially through digital medias and PR were also covered.
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